It’s time for another roundup of oral pathology cases to help you sharpen your diagnostic skills. Here are four cases from your colleagues that you can study, save, and use as a reference as you diagnose future cases from your clinical exams.
If you have recently encountered a pathology case in your practice, we encourage you to share it with us. One of the best sources of learning is peer-to-peer. Email your details to Bethany Montoya, editorial director of Clinical Insights newsletter, at [email protected]. We look forward to featuring you!
Stay tuned for more pathology content from DentistryIQ.
Patient: 6-year-old male
- 7 mm-plus soft, exophytic, dome-like lesion
- Normal lip color
- Fluid-filled with a slightly red base
- No pain, but patient was having a hard time eating due to position and size of lesion
- Patient had habit of biting his lip
Patient: 66-year-old female
- 9 mm x 6 mm white, corrugated, irregular-bordered lesion
- Lesion located in upper right vestibular area
- Not tender to touch or palpation
- Not able to be removed or scraped off
- Large leukoplakic patch over erythematous tissue
Two weeks later …
- Lesion extended back toward first molar to mucolabial fold area
Patient: 2-year-old male
- Lump on right side of neck
- Ulcer-like lesions on buccal oral mucosa
- PCP diagnosed patient with hand, foot and mouth disease
A week later …
- Fire-engine red gingival tissue
- Manifestation of numerous perioral lesions
- Fever, loss of appetite, myalgia
- No lesions on hands or feet
Patient: 22-year-old female
- Patient referred to oral surgeon for removal of wisdom teeth
- Following that, all contact with patient was lost
Seven years later …
- Large radiolucent lesion
- Significant bone destruction in mandible
- Inflamed tissue
- Tender to palpation
Dangerous lesion if left untreated
Editor’s note: This article first appeared in Clinical Insights newsletter, a publication of the Endeavor Business Media Dental Group. Read more articles and subscribe.