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2025 DentalPost Salary Report
Research and News

Comparing career satisfaction in dentistry: Who's happy, who's not

Who are the happiest—and most unhappy—dental staff members? We're diving into the latest salary survey to find out.
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The worst Halloween candies for teeth: What to avoid

There's a scary increase in dental visits after Halloween. It's easy to see why.

Radiation, chlorhexidine, legal perils, and more: Reader favorites for 2023

Dec. 13, 2023
From radiation and x-rays to antibiotics and chlorhexidine, these were the most popular topics with DentistryIQ readers in 2023.
Dental Hygiene

Dental patient, we really wish you wouldn't do that

Nov. 13, 2023
Every dental professional has their challenging patients. How do your dental patient peeves compare with your peers'?
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Dental Hygiene

The steps to an effective and efficient dental hygiene exam

Oct. 24, 2023
A bit of prep can help dental hygienists reduce their stress, increase collaboration with their dentist, and demonstrate to patients how the whole team works together.
Antibiotics In Dentistry

Antibiotics in dentistry: Insights on research, stewardship, and guidelines

Oct. 2, 2023
When and whether to prescribe antibiotics in dentistry is a complex issue that causes confusion among dental professionals. This gallery rounds up our best and most current content...
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Oral Health Threats All Ages

Dental patients' top oral health risks by age

Sept. 22, 2023
Oral health risk factors can vary considerably depending on age. This gallery provides a look at some things to watch for.
Is Fluoride Bad For You

Is fluoride always worth the risks?

Aug. 29, 2023
Is fluoride bad for you? Generally, research shows its benefits far outweigh its risks—but that doesn't mean there are no risks whatsoever. Here's a look at fluoride's pros, cons...
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Proper dental ergonomics: The key to career longevity

Aug. 23, 2023
Dental ergonomics is not simply some trend that will vanish after its popularity on social media. It's how dental professionals can reduce their pain and extend their careers....
Dental Hygiene

Your guide to using dental lasers in your hygiene practice

Aug. 18, 2023
If you are new to using dental lasers—or aren’t using them in your practice yet—here are some helpful tips from a laser hygienist.
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What professional burnout really is, and what you can do about it

July 27, 2023
No, it doesn't have to be "part of your career." And no, you don't have to just accept it.