Dental patients' top oral health risks by age

Sept. 22, 2023
Oral health risk factors can vary considerably depending on age. This gallery provides a look at some things to watch for.

Oral health is a lifelong commitment, and there are different concerns and risks with every age group. By understanding and addressing age-specific risks, maintaining good oral hygiene, and seeking professional dental care, you can empower patients to safeguard their oral health and enjoy a lifetime of good oral health.

In this gallery, learn the top oral health risks for infants and children, teens/adolescents, adults, and senior adults.

Some material adapted from "Top threats to oral health at every age: How to protect your smile for life" by Avery Smith, originally published in August 2023.

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About the Author

Avery Smith

Avery Smith has served as president at Kelsey National Corporation and since 2014. By placing consumers at the heart of every decision, Avery has played a pivotal role in the continued growth of as a driving force within the online insurance marketplace.