As an avid gardener, springtime restores my connection with the earth. It is a time of renewal and preparation. Whether dividing perennials or planting seeds, I am confident that the future will fill my landscape with vibrant color and magnificently scented blooms.
And so it is with our dental practices. We place treatment plan seeds in our patients' minds. We can envision the possibilities of smile enhancement, tooth replacement, and lessened anxiety for them. Women dentists understand how patients can blossom! The process may take time and seasons may vary, all with an acceptance progression, but once undertaken, the transformation is astounding.
Many dental patients have deep anxiety relating to anesthetic before the dental procedure even begins. The method in which we approach and deliver anesthesia is typical of our feminine style. Our hands are smaller, our touch is gentle, and our chairside assurance is comforting. Proper delivery of anesthetic relies not only on the chosen medicament for the procedure, but also the method in which it is achieved. This issue's feature article by Drs. Patricia Blanton and Arthur Jeske illustrates the proper placement of anesthesia and reviews the anatomy and its variations that need to be taken into account. After reading this article, it becomes very clear that a woman dentist can provide comfortable dentistry for even the toughest of procedures ... confidently! Use this knowledge as a practice-builder.
Lori's garden
Furthering our understanding of pain management is Dr. Margaret Scarlett's dialogue of current dental anesthetics. Each has its own benefits and appropriate indications. The formulas are kinder, more efficient, and better metabolized by the body than in the past. Given the medical histories of some patients, factoring in the medications they currently take, the correct anesthetic choice is imperative. This update allows you to make the proper pain-management choices today.
Implant dentistry is on a dramatic rise. As the population ages, so do teeth, and many are lost due to a variety of reasons. Patients demand the best, and implant dentistry can deliver and restore esthetics, function, and confidence. Our cover girl, Dr. Sunie Marchbanks, is an implant dentist who reveals her journey with passion. Showcasing an implant case study with an excellent result is Dr. Karen McAndrew. And from the lab technician's perspective, George Zoller shares the importance of communication and expectation during implant treatment.
With the advent of spring, getting in shape becomes easier and considering a personal trainer seems feasible. Dr. Sheri Doniger shares her personal experiences and why a trainer has helped her.
May your garden grow,
Lori Trost, DMD
Dr. Trost is the managing editor of Woman Dentist Journal. She can be contacted by email at [email protected].
We welcome letters to the editor. Please email your letters to Dr. Trost. Include your name and the city and state where you practice.