What all simple and conservative tooth preps start with
Simple and conservative restorations—they start with simple and conservative preps, which means we need simple and conservative bur options.
If you follow me or have worked in my practice for the last 30 years, you know what I use all day, every day.
This case is a perfect example. The MO is standard-sized so I can use my usual single-use 330. However, check out the OL component. It needs to be restored. It does NOT need overprepped to fit my bur in.
Check out this lineup of Microcopy burs, and check them out next to my adhesive tip. That means I am ultraconservative in my design. I can stay that way because of my adhesive tip and get to a gorgeous direct composite esthetic result.
Burs: MO – Max 2; OL and all ultra-conservative preps – 245 diamond; final contour proximals 3314.8VF; occlusal anatomy 1920F