Lester Dine to present digital dental photography seminar

March 30, 2005
One-day training course, to be conducted July 23 in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., open to dentists and staff members.

The Lester Dine Institute for Clinical Photography and Imaging will present a seminar July 23 at PGA National Resort and Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. The seminar is entitled Dental Photography and Imaging Made Simple.

The course will focus on digital dental photography with a lecture session presented by Dr. Greg Tarantola, a leading expert in dental photography. Digital SLR and Small Format Intra-oral cameras will be available for hands on training. Owners of existing cameras are encouraged to bring their systems.

The session will also include a comprehensive review and hands-on training with PixelEase -- Dine's Image Management, Cosmetic Imaging, and Printing Software. This in-depth program will cover the full spectrum of PixelEase uses, including such cosmetic imaging tasks as closing diastemas, whitening, changing gum lines, and smile gallery simulation.

This one-day training seminar is open to dentists and staff members with the ultimate goal of making digital cameras and imaging software a more functional ally in doctor-patient communication.

Cost for the seminar is $500 for dentists and $200 for additional staff members. Capacity is limited. For more information, please call Lester A. Dine Inc. at 1-800-624-9103 or visit www.dinecorp.com.