Ask Dr. Christensen: Will third party payers cover sleep apnea treatments by dentists?
Dr. Gordon Christensen answers questions from readers and offers his answers based on research, dentists' opinions worldwide, and personal observation.
Will third party payers pay for sleep apnea treatments by dentists?
Dr. Christensen recommends that you purchase the medical code book Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). If you want to learn how to submit medical codes for sleep apnea to medical insurance companies, you can be reimbursed for sleep apnea treatment. You cannot be reimbursed for snoring treatment, however.
In this video, Dr. Christensen discusses the three most commonly used medical codes for sleep apnea according to CPT. It’s up to each dentist to determine exactly how he or she wants to go about treating and billing for sleep apnea treatment. It’s also important to check with patients’ insurance companies. Dr. Christensen says that most insurance companies cover the medical codes for sleep apnea.
Watch what Dr. Christensen has to say in this week's video.
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