Hire for attitude

March 17, 2010

By Dr. Nate Booth

A traveler came upon a sage on the road to the city. He asked, “What are the people like in the city ahead?”

The sage answered, “What were the people like in the city from which you came?”

The traveler replied, “Lazy, untrustworthy, and stupid. I couldn’t wait to leave.”

“Ah,” said the sage, “then you will find them the same in the city ahead.”

Shortly after, a second traveler approached the sage and asked the same question, “What are the people like in the city ahead?”

Again the sage answered, “What were the people like in the city from which you came?”

The second traveler replied, “Honest, hard-working, and friendly. I was sorry I had to leave.”

“Ah,” repeated the sage, “then you will find them the same in the city ahead.”

This fable illustrates something about human behavior — people have varying degrees of positive and negative attitudes that stem from how they have been conditioned by their life experiences. They interpret their world through this conditioning and get out of life what they look for. If they are conditioned to see the world as dark and negative, then that perspective will color their attitude and that is what they will experience. If they are conditioned to see it as bright and positive, then that perspective will guide their attitude and experience.

So how can you screen people for attitude? Here are three suggestions:
1. Ask them what they liked about their last job. Then ask them what they disliked about their last job. Beware! The things they say about the people at their last job may one day be said about you.
2. In business, sometimes our guts know before our heads do. When you interview people, what does your gut say about them?
3. Your team members are usually better at spotting lousy attitudes than you are. Have all potential new hires go to lunch with your team without you.

It takes more than attitude to make a great team member. In my next article for Tips & Tricks, I’ll discuss component #2 ... skill.

Learn more about Dr. Nate Booth’s dental presentations and products at www.natebooth.com.

Dr. Nate Booth is a speaker, consultant, and author who provides dentists with the information and systems they need to thrive in their dental practices. Dr. Booth teaches at the South Beach Dental Institute and is a practice management advisor for ChaseHealthAdvance. Dr. Booth is the creator of the in-office, DVD-based program, The "Yes" System: How to Make It Easy for People to Accept Comprehensive Dentistry. For more information, go to www.theyessystem.com, or call (800) 917-0008.