Dental Office Manager Digest - Jun 20th, 2022
Plus: CDT updates to codes for splinting
Dental Office Manager Digest | View online
June 20, 2022

You love your patients, and you love your staff. Lighthouse 360 patient communication software lets you improve the patient experience with powerful features that frees your team to focus on patients rather than time-consuming administrative tasks. Help your team save up to 16 hours a week on reminders, billing and attempts to reactivate patients. What could they accomplish with that extra time? Try Lighthouse 360 to find out.

Hiring exceptional staff is crucial and more difficult now than ever. Showcasing your team and office culture is a great start.
Office Manager Kyle Summerford covers 2022 CDT updates and deletions related to codes for splinting.
OMs often have a background in dentistry and excel in managing a team and many tasks at once. If this piques your interest, read on.
A humble attitude and appetite for learning is the way to make the most out of your personal and professional life.
Download and distribute this letter to patients refusing treatment.
Network with other OMs and practice leaders, and stay up-to-date on the latest AADOM virtual events.