Imaging software has automatic capture enhancements

May 17, 2006
ADSTRA ImagingT dental image management software from various digital devices, intra oral or digital cameras, and flatbed scanners.

CHADDS FORD, Pennsylvania--ADSTRA ImagingT Dental Image Management software now allows image post-processing and capture enhancement options.

The module provides user-defined filters that are automatically applied when the X-ray images are captured. Thirteen standard filters can be mixed to create enhancement scripts that are saved for each device. Once defined, the automatic enhancement can be turned on or off as needed.

ADSTRA ImagingT capture enhancement options are device-specific for 25
devices. These include phosphor plate scanners, intraoral X-ray
sensors, and panoramic and cephalometric devices manufactured by Air
Techniques, Dent-X, Gendex, Instrumentarium, KaVo, Orex, Owandy,
Planmeca, Progeny, Schick Technologies, Sirona, Soredex, and Suni. The
module also has a setting for TWAIN devices.

ADSTRA ImagingT dental image management software by ADSTRA SYSTEMS
enables dental professionals to capture, manipulate, and store images
from various digital devices, intra oral or digital cameras, and flatbed

The module offers an automatic calibration option for captured x-ray images by imaging device and a Grayscale (8-bit) conversion tool for color images.

For further information call 800-450-0220, or visit