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Goodbye, from the editors of Dental Office Manager Digest!

Farewell for now (but the fun doesn't have to end!)

Dec. 14, 2023
This is the final deployment of DOMD, but opportunities for dental office managers to connect abound!

Dear Reader,

As 2023 comes to an end, I want to thank you for subscribing to Dental Office Manager Digest. Unfortunately, this will be the final deployment for this e-newsletter.

Since being appointed editorial director in 2015, I have strived to bring you the most up-to-date, informative articles on dental coding and other front office-related topics. It’s been great to hear that DOMD articles provided valuable insight to fellow office managers and helped resolve issues, create structure, and integrate systems into their practices.

The good news is, the fun doesn’t have to stop here! Be sure to check out the list of other newsletters available through Endeavor Business Media and subscribe today.

In addition, I want to invite everyone to join my Facebook group, created by a dental office manager for dental office managers. I envision this as a place to share your stories and troubles or just look for advice from experts.

Be well and have a prosperous 2024!



Kyle L. Summerford is a nationally recognized practice management guru, author, and lecturer. He is founder and president of Summerford Solutions Inc., and cofounder of Elitedentalclaims.com. Kyle also serves as editorial director of Dental Office Manager Digest e-newsletter. He lectures extensively to dentists and their staff on topics such as insurance coding and billing and useful practice management tips. Contact him at [email protected].

About the Author

Kyle L. Summerford

With more than 22 years of experience in dental, Kyle L. Summerford has a unique approach to case presentation and patient acceptance. As an OM and financial dental consultant, he leverages his knowledge to assist new and struggling dental practices. Through his education programs, Kyle empowers staff members with effective patient education skills and persuasion techniques. He has lectured at CE events and academic institutions. His expertise is further recognized through his column, Dental Coding with Kyle. He’s the founder of the Dental Office Managers Community. Visit his website at kylesummerford.com.