Th 161399

Focus Product News

Sept. 1, 2004

Zest Locator Bar Attachment

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A choice of three types of Locator Bar Attachments can be placed on an implant-retained bar by a dental laboratory using popular fabrication methods. A threaded titanium locator Bar Female is available for the technique of drilling and tapping into an implant bar allowing for future retrieval. The Locator Laser Bar Female is another choice manufactured in both titanium and stainless steel to permit the selection of laser welding to a titanium bar or onto a cast-gold alloy bar. The third fabrication alternative is using the stainless steel Locator Cast-to Bar Female that can be positioned into a bar pattern and cast-to with a gold alloy.

All three styles of the Locator Bar Attachment feature a self-locating design, low vertical height, and long-lasting retention.

For more information, call Zest Anchors, Inc., at (800) 262-2310.

Bicon�s short implant offers benefits

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The Bicon Implant allows for the immediate function technique, the revolutionary cementless and screwless Integrated Abutment Crown™, and for the use of the new 6.0 x 5.7 short implant. Confidently avoid both the sinus and mandibular nerves with Bicon’s newly introduced 6.0 mm x 5.7 mm implant. The short length of 5.7 mm allows dentists to avoid vital structures with confidence and eliminates the need for many grafting procedures.

Since 1985, Bicon has manufactured a unique locking taper implant system. For more information, visit or call (800) 88-Bicon (882-4266).

New Premier Implant Cement

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Formulated specifically for implant-retained prostheses, Premier Implant Cement is a non-eugenol, resin cement that also is suitable for cementing long-term provisionals. It exhibits high retention as well as easy retrievability and handling. Its two-stage cure process simplifies seating the restoration and removing excess cement. The automix dual-barrel syringe and disposable mixing tips eliminate hand-mixing and ensure consistent, controlled dispensing. The cement’s low solubility enhance retention and the marginal seal. Shaded to match gingival tissue, the cement is virtually flavorless and odorless. The introductory kit includes an implant-safe scaler for prophylaxis use. Order from your Premier dealer.

For more information, call (888) 670-6100.

3i announces DIEM™ Guidelines

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Implant Innovations, Inc. (3i) has introduced DIEM - Immediate Occlusal Loading Guidelines, or IOL. The guidelines are a reference for the use of 3i special IOL components and surgical tools allowing clinicians to offer the convenience of one-visit implant therapy to appropriate patients. Using DIEM Guidelines, all aspects of an immediate occlusal loading procedure can be done in a matter of hours. Designed to provide a simple and flexible approach for clinicians, the guidelines provide a step-by-step road map covering patient selection, diagnostic work-ups, surgical parameters, and restorative techniques. To maximize the simplicity and predictability of IOL procedures, 3i has developed innovative products specifically for use with the DIEM Guidelines.

For more information, call (800) 443-8166 or visit

Consumer�s guide to implants

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Millions of Americans have lost a tooth to injury or disease. As a result, many of these people believe they will never again be able to chew, speak, or smile without feeling self-conscious. Dental implants may allow these individuals to recover from the disaster of tooth loss.

Over the last 35 years, Charles A. Babbush, DDS, MScD, has helped thousands of people with dental implants. He describes the treatment in language the nondental professional will understand in his informative book, “As Good As New: A Consumer’s Guide to Dental Implants.” Purchase this book at or by calling (440) 995-5500.

GC EXAIMPLANT for implant impressions

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GC America launches EXAIMPLANT NDS, the only VPS impression material specially designed for implant impressions.

EXAIMPLANT has a perfect rigid viscosity to fix the impression coping or abutment. Its special characteristics are high rigidity and hydrophilic nature. Because of the rigidity, the strain on the impression upon removal from the mouth is minimal, and the implant fixture will be duplicated precisely on the stone model.

It also has a special adhesive enabling chemical adhesion between a silicone impression material and a resin custom tray, whereas most other adhesives cannot. EXAIMPLANT ADHESIVE is more like a primer, while most other adhesives are more like glue. That means much better adhesive strength with EXAIMPLANT ADHESIVE. Higher adhesive strength is important because exfoliation of the impression material from the tray results in fatal damage of precise impressions, and precision is essential for implant impressions.

For more information, visit

ERA® Implant - micro prosthetic head

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Sterngold introduces the ERA® Implant with a smaller prosthetic head for provisional applications. It is a micro ERA prosthetic head of 3.4 mm diameter on a 2.2 mm diameter, self-tapping screw, which allows for positive and immediate stabilization of a complete denture. It also is used to protect an osseous graft site on a temporary basis. It has an unthreaded screw collar for added strength.

For more information, order online, or take advantage of Sterngold’s educational resources, visit

NobelDirect™ one-piece implant

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Nobel Biocare introduces a new, one-piece implant that promises an easier procedure as well as beautiful aesthetics. The advanced, user-friendly design is indicated for use in both single and multiple sites throughout the mouth and is based on the successful tapered Replace® body.

Most often, surgery is minimally invasive using a flapless procedure. This contributes to ease of placement for the dentist and less discomfort for the patient.

The new implant also incorporates the exclusive TiUnite surface, clinically proven over five years in more than a million placements. This technology provides not only true osseointegration for stability and Immediate Function, but also Soft Tissue Integration - the foundation of healthy connective tissue and better aesthetics.

For more information, visit