SANFORD, Florida, and ELMSFORD, New York--The latest mobile imaging service that uses the NewTom VGi 3D Cone Beam CT scanner will operate in the state of Florida.
Mobile 3DCT Imaging and AFP Imaging Corporation AFP Imaging and Mobile 3DCT Imaging founders Stephen M. Ross MD, PhD, Shelly McCormick, and Robert H. Soule, have combined to make the announcement.
This service adds another mobile operation to a fleet of independently owned mobile units across the country that utilize the NewTom VGi Cone Beam CT.
"Radiology is one of the most important tools in the diagnostic assessment of the dental and ENT patient, and 3D imaging has become the standard of care for many dental procedures," said Dr. Ross, a board-certified diagnostic radiologists.
"Specialists and general practitioners rely on the images that Mobile 3DCT Imaging offers through the NewTom VGi. We come to you and it's just that easy. Patients appreciate the convenience, the prompt professional service and the expediency with which the reports are complied and ready for review. Dental practices have come to demand the highest quality images and Mobile 3DCT Imaging along with the NewTom VGi deliver those to your office," Dr. Ross added.
The combination of the images from advanced dental imaging technology and in‐office service and convenience of Mobile 3DCT Imaging and AFP Imaging can be seen during the 2010 Academy of Osseointegration's annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.
For additional information, call (407) 320‐1889 or visit Mobile 3DCT Imaging.
To read more about AFP Imaging, go to AFP Imaging.
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