Sharpen your diagnostic skills with this roundup of four pathology cases from DentistryIQ. Your colleagues have shared these cases that you can study and save as a reference as you diagnose future pathology in your clinical exams.
One of the best sources of learning is peer-to-peer. Do you have a case you’d like to share with us? Please email the details to Bethany Montoya, editorial director of Clinical Insights newsletter, at [email protected]. We look forward to featuring you!
Stay tuned for more pathology content from DentistryIQ.
Patient: 60-year-old female
- 5 mm x 24 mm white, corrugated lesion lingual to the acrylic of a fixed hybrid prosthesis
- Lesion not able to be scraped off or removed
- Lesion not painful or symptomatic
- No swellings noted in the sublingual or submandibular lymph node areas
Patient: 40-year-old male
- 12 mm x 24 mm fluctuant mass on the lingual side of the left mandibular jaw, inferior and lingual to where no. 17 would be, along the palatoglossal arch muscle
- Tender to palpation
- Tissue in the surrounding area is normal in color
- No opposing dentition or history of trauma to the area
Never underestimate the capacity of an infection to stray from the course
Patient: 77-year-old female
- Two corrugated, irregularly shaped radiopaque masses on the right posterior angle of the mandible
- Each lesion measures approximately 1 inch in length
- Area not tender to palpation
- Health history includes cholesterol and blood thinner medications, type 2 diabetes, history of COPD, high blood pressure, and sensitivity to penicillin
Patient: 16-year-old male
- Multiple lesions salt-and-peppered in a generalized fashion throughout the entire oral cavity
- Lesions are white with red borders
- Gum tissues swollen
- Light palpation/touching of the lesions results in bleeding and pain
Editor’s note: This article first appeared in Clinical Insights newsletter, a publication of the Endeavor Business Media Dental Group. Read more articles and subscribe.