Wadsworth tweaks coaching strategy on 10th anniversary as a consultant
Lisa C. Wadsworth, a leading dental hygiene clinician, educator, and trainer, recently marked the 10-year anniversary of her consulting business, Lisa C. Wadsworth, Inc. with a revised business plan that focuses on dental implant team training and professional coaching.
Wadsworth, a practicing dental hygienist, has 30 years of clinical experience, and specializes in dental implant team coaching. Lisa is also a professional and personal development coach. It is her intention to combine both specialties to provide unique and relevant consulting services for the entire dental implant team.
According to Wadsworth, “The demand for dental implants is growing and more dental practices are offering them to their patients, but a successful implant-oriented practice needs a strong team, working in unison, with a common goal of successful patient outcomes. This includes front office personnel, assistants, hygienists and new dentist associates.”
Wadsworth adds that although she does not provide clinical training for dentists, they often use her assistance with case presentation and work-flow management. Her clinical coaching sessions can be tailored to the entire dental implant team or individual team members.
Although there are many professional coaches or life coaches as some call them, very few apply the dental professional's perspective to this coaching discipline. “As care givers and health professionals, we often address our personal needs last. Thus, we can not maintain a satisfactory work/life balance or fulfill our own personal and career goals. The result is frustration, resentment, burnout and in some cases, stress-related illness.”
Wadsworth's coaching sessions can be individualized, or applied to the entire dental team. “Team coaching can be very effective in addressing the issues that have a negative impact on practice morale, team cooperation, and patient perceptions. The goal of coaching is to identify these issues, address them in a constructive manner, and instill a positive practice culture that will enhance the patient experience.”
A new service being offered by Lisa C. Wadsworth, Inc. is employee screening for dental implant teams. “I help practice owners and hiring managers develop a short list of qualified candidates.” Wadsworth's services include creating job descriptions, developing classified ads, reviewing resumes, conducting initial phone interviews and employer reference checks. “This screening saves the practice time before interviewing candidates face-to-face,” explains Wadsworth.
For more details on Lisa C. Wadsworth Inc.'s specialized and expanded consulting offering, please visit www.LisaWadsworth.com or call Lisa Wadsworth at (215) 262-6168.