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4 tips for tackling the National Board Dental Hygiene Exam

Sept. 24, 2024
Take it from someone who's been there. The Board exam is hard, but it'll be easier if you follow these tips. You'll be glad you did when you get that passing score.

The National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE) is a major milestone for any dental hygiene student. As a recent graduate who successfully completed the NBDHE, I understand firsthand all the emotions and challenges that come with preparing for and taking this exam. Here I’ll share my own experience, as well as four tips that helped me prepare effectively.

Looking back on my journey to pass the NBDHE, I remember the mix of excitement and nerves as the exam date neared. It was a balancing act to manage study time with clinical practice and personal life. But staying focused and organized made a substantial difference. The NBDHE preparation process taught me several important lessons about time management, stress management, and resource utilization, which I’m eager to share with you.

Tip 1: Use quality study materials

It’s a good idea to invest in reputable study resources such as textbooks, review books, and programs that are specifically designed for the NBDHE. There are several popular choices available, such as Andy RDH’s Dental Hygiene Academy, StudentRDH, Dental Hygiene Seminars, and Mosby’s Questions for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination.

Many of these programs come with several different study materials such as a book, videos, digital flashcards, quizzes, mock exams, and more. These materials cater to a range of learning styles, so be sure to use them for a well-rounded study approach. By choosing the right resources and employing effective study strategies, you can confidently prepare for the NBDHE and excel in your dental hygiene career.

Tip 2: Create a study schedule

One of the most effective measures in preparing for the NBDHE is to develop a comprehensive study plan. Developing a well-structured plan will help you cover all topics and reduce your anxiety. Start by dividing the topics into manageable sections and dedicate specific timeframes to each subject. Consistency is key! Study regularly rather than cramming. For example, devote Mondays to periodontology, Tuesdays to pharmacology, etc., or set a goal to study a certain number of subjects per week.

You can maximize the effectiveness of your study plan by using many different tools. Use a calendar, planner, or to-do list to keep track of your progress and adjust them as needed. Incorporate time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking for more productive study sessions. You can overcome challenges like procrastination by maintaining a dedicated study space and routine. To stay motivated, set specific, measurable goals, and don’t forget to reward yourself when you achieve them!

Tip 3: Join a study group

Studying with peers can provide motivation, support, and a greater understanding of the material. Consider creating or joining a study group with classmates so you can review complex topics, quiz each other, and share resources. Group studying can break the monotony of solo study sessions, making your NBDHE prep more engaging and interactive.

It’s simple to start a study group. Reach out to fellow dental hygiene students who have similar study goals and schedules. Potential study partners can also be found through social media or online groups and forums. Once your study group is established, plan in-person study sessions, group video calls, shared digital notes, and online quizzes to enhance your study sessions.

Tip 4: Don’t forget self-care

Preparing for the NBDHE can be intense, so it’s essential to prioritize your mental and physical health. Neglecting your health can have negative effects on your exam prep and performance. Get enough sleep, eat well, and take regular breaks during study sessions. Incorporate stress relieving activities such as exercise or hobbies to keep your mind fresh and focused. Remember, a well-rested and healthy body contributes significantly to productive studying, information retention, and performance.

The positive impact of healthy habits includes improved energy and better information retention. Accepting well-being as an essential part of academic and professional success allows for a more balanced and effective study experience for the NBDHE and beyond.

To summarize

Preparing for the NBDHE can seem like a daunting task. However, with an organized approach and the right mindset, it’s manageable. By using quality study materials, creating a study schedule, joining a study group, and prioritizing self-care, you can set yourself up for success.

Embrace the journey with dedication, motivation, and focus. This exam is one step toward your professional career. Every challenge puts you that much closer to your goal and will build a strong foundation for your future success. With dedication and adequate preparation, you can conquer this. Good luck! Your hard work will pay off!

About the Author

Imani Wilson, RDH

Imani Wilson, RDH, is a recent graduate of Valencia College. Dedicated to promoting oral health and providing exceptional patient care, Imani is passionate about her work in dental hygiene and continually seeks to expand her knowledge and skills in the field. For more information, visit imaniwilson.co, or follow Imani on Instagram at @toothymani.