Dental Hygienist Salary Survey 2014
Difficulty in finding a job as a dental hygienist in Rhode Island
Observation: Rhode Island stature as being one of the most difficult states to find a job must be tempered with the realization that only a minimum number responded to the survey. But this, uh, minority doesn’t think there’s anything easy about it, and they are dead certain about that belief.
Length of time since last pay raise in Rhode Island
Observation: Again, we are talking about a distinctive minority of Rhode Island hygienists, but it’s clear that, among this group, raises do not occur very frequently.
Most common hourly pay rates in Rhode Island
$34, $35, and $40
Observation: 58% practice in the Providence area. The common hourly rates match up well against the national averages for hourly rates.
Descriptions of pay arrangements based on production or commission
- I earn a performance bonus twice a year based on my performance. I am also offered a production bonus, which is prorated and based on the number of patients I treat per quarter. The production bonus is almost never made.