Dental Hygienist Salary Survey 2014
Difficulty in finding a job as a dental hygienist in Indiana
Observation: Hygienists from the Indianapolis metropolitan area comprised only 31% of the survey results in the state. So we’re inclined to pay attention to the fact that 53% find it to be “very difficult” to find a job (the national average is 46%).
Length of time since last pay raise in Indiana
Observation: The national average for receiving a pay raise within last year is 26%; Indiana is 12 percentage points above that.
Most common hourly pay rates in Indiana
$29, $30
Observation: Of course, one reason for raises may well be that the state is trying to catch up. The most common hourly rates are below the national averages.
Descriptions of pay arrangements based on production or commission
- 43%of what I produce
- Hourly rate of $30 an hour; then at the end of the month I get a commission check for 34% of my gross production, minus the hours (@$30/hr) that I've already been paid for.
- 20% of profit after product purchases
- I am paid 31% of what I produce. I still receive a fixed hourly rate of $30, but if by the end of the month, my production percentage is higher than my hourly pay, I receive the difference.
- I am paid 45% of dental hygiene procedures, radiographs, periodontal treatment, fluoride, sealants.