Introduction of hygienists in a long-term care facility for patients with Alzheimer's disease, cognitive impairment
This poster was presented at Europerio 7 in Vienna Austria, June 6-9, 2012. The project aims were to: include the dental hygienist within the multidisciplinary team caring for patients with Alzheimer’s disease in order to establish a bridge and continuing collaboration between the teams and the Alzheimer’s Oral Health Service of the Department of Dentistry of Pio Albergo Trivulzio, through the development of a shared protocol in order to pursue the following objectives:
• Improve the appearance of care understood as a structure, staff, and family;
• Improve the quality of life of hospitalized patients;
• Reduce risks factor;
• Reduce acute and related chronic diseases.
This project's aims were to:
• Assess health status and oral hygiene in patients with Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive impairment patients in nursing homes, by insertion of a tool for evaluating the oral cavity (OHAT);
• Assess current knowledge and practices of oral hygiene of service personnel of departments, through questionnaires;
• Raise awareness and educate health workers and caregivers on appropriate strategies and products suitable for a proper oral hygiene through development of a basic protocol and direct training;
• Develop a custom protocol adapted to individual patient needs to be included in the integrated personnel folder;
• Plan and implement interventions aimed at restoring the dentistry of oral health;
• Determine indicators extensible for verification of results;
• Assess the perception of improvement of the assistance provided through the forms of satisfaction with the service, addressed to relatives and medical staff and health.
As part of the multidisciplinary nature of patients suffering from dementia, the Oral Health Service of the Department of Dentistry of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio began in January 2011, a collaboration with the RSA and Alzheimer Fornari Schiaffinati. The purpose was to prevent and possibly restore and maintain the oral health status of these patients. This project has been a successful working group between the three operating units involved, consists of 63 professionals (doctors geriatricians, nurses, OG, OSS, physiotherapists); two nuclei distributed in Alzheimer's; and three (3) students of dental hygiene department of dentistry. The project followed precise steps and timing: • Phase 1: observation phase: development of an information letter and consent to service of attending physicians to geriatric wards with coaching in order to know the reality and the organizational needs of the two nuclei, to know the current and past medical condition, the profile behavioral skills, feeding mode and characteristics of individual patients to identify the most appropriate way doctor/patient. Definition of a location for permanent storage of mobile units (trucks and self-priming portable scaler). • Phase 2: the first phase operational management visit: oral assessment and compiling medical records (via module OHAT). Develop a basic protocol (simplified, the same for everyone, extended family and medical staff). • Step 3: education in health care: basic protocol adherence through training on appropriate strategies and products suitable for a proper daily oral hygiene. • Step 4: reassessment of all patients, development of custom protocols, reporting to doctors of geriatric patients who needed a dental examination and oral hygiene sessions, inclusion of the clinical nursing integrated within the folder of each patient. • Step 5: Recognition of indicators extensible through the collaboration of the Department of Microbiology and verification of results. • Step 6: Delivery of service satisfaction forms of oral hygiene, addressed to relatives and medical team.Results Through this multidisciplinary collaborative project, we examined and evaluated 70 of the 80 Alzheimer patients RSA residents in the two nuclei. Because of the deaths in these intervening months, the number of patients examined was down to 65 out of 78, of which 10 were male and 55 were female. • 65% of these patients are aged between 70 and 90 years • 27% are over 90 years • 8% are under 70 years
Figure 1 - Distribution of patients by age and gender
100% of patients suffering from various degrees of dementia with BPSD and: • 70% of patients suffering from heart disease and hypertension • 40% of patients are diabetic • 35% of patients suffering from COPD 100% of patients were considered as not independent in performing the necessary maneuvers of oral hygiene.Table 2 - Breakdown of patients according to the dental state
This suggests that: 51% of patients were fully edentulous; 51% of patients do not keep a proper masticatory function; 49% of patients retained adequate masticatory function.
According to the score obtained by the oral health assessment form (OHAT), we can separate patients in the following way: 92% of the patients presented moderate alterations of oral health; 8% of the patients have severe abnormalities of the oral health.
Before and AfterConclusions This paper has tried to "photograph" a social-welfare, RSA, in which a multidisciplinary team is required to provide treatment and prevention of health problems to a subgroup of elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease and/or dementia. More specifically, this paper has tried to highlight the importance of including dental hygienists within the care team, with the aim to assess and restore the oral health of these patients in the overall care of the individual.