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No more slow summer months: The internal marketing guide

No more slow summer months: The internal marketing guide

Aug. 26, 2024
Are you experiencing the “summer slows” in your dental practice? Dr. David Rice shares three steps you can take the establish a solid internal marketing plan that works—no matter the season.
David R. Rice, DDS, Chief editor

If you’ve already read our article, “Slow summer schedule: The same-day treatment solution,” you’re already a step ahead of most. It’s game-changing. Today, I want to add some internal marketing strategies you can use right now to help.

1. Know the slow

We have what most businesses would kill to have—a database of people who like us and will listen. Knowing in February that you’re going to have a summer slow is ideal. But mining your database (found in your practice management system) for unscheduled treatment and late recare appointments right now still delivers.

Work your recare:

First, sit down. You’re going to be shocked.

Second, pull a report from your PMS on three-, four-, and six-month recare patients who are overdue.

Third, connect with them the way they’ve asked you to connect with them (call, text, email …). Let them know it’s summertime in your practice. Your patients likely have some time off. Tell them your team has created extra convenient times to get them in when it’s convenient for them.

Four, fill your schedule.

Work your big cases: Next January and February, I want you to target scheduling big cases during your slow summer months. Frame the story for your patients. Summer is a great time to schedule their big-time care. They can take a day or two off to rest and recuperate. And here’s a bonus—lots of patients in your practice love to take advantage of this. That’s called the law of the herd … aka people like to do what they perceive other people are doing, early.

Because we’re in the summer slows right now, here’s what I’d recommend:

  • Mine your PMS for patients who have big treatment plans.
  • Arm your team with strategic verbal skills.
  • Offer a summer incentive to get those patients in now.
  • Let your patients know that the incentive expires on ____ date.

2. Build an internal new-patient campaign

I love external marketing … after our internal plan is locked and loaded.

Asking for referrals: Your happy, paying patients who repeat and refer are exactly who you want more of. So, every day, every provider should identify two people on their schedule who they’re going to ask for a referral. The keys to this are:

  • Consistently identifying two people per provider daily
  • Following up every next day to ensure it happened
  • Asking “What stopped you from making the ask?” when it doesn’t happen
  • Rewarding your team for every new patient who schedules and shows up
  • Showing gratitude to every patient who refers you a new patient, every time

3. Flexible scheduling

In survey after survey, our patients have literally told us what helps them: convenience. Now, I don’t want you to commit to something that will make you miserable; that’s not sustainable. I do want you to understand that flexible scheduling during slow times (until you learn the lessons to correct it) helps.

Extended hours: Think about one evening, or one early start, or one weekend day per month. Knowing your patients, which do you think would help you most? Once you know that, ask yourself how you can make this summer shift a big win for your team. Then imagine combining this with your big cases from No. 1 above.

Same-day dentistry: I won’t dive into this here. Read our article, “Slow summer schedule: The same-day treatment solution.” It’s the ultimate in convenience. It’s easier to execute than you think. And it’s extremely profitable.

Thanks for reading and, as always, hit us up with any thoughts, questions, or how-tos. We love helping you win!

About the Author

David R. Rice, DDS | Chief editor

Founder of the nation’s largest student and new-dentist community, igniteDDS, David R. Rice, DDS, travels the world speaking, writing, and connecting today’s top young dentists with tomorrow’s most successful dental practices. He is the editorial director of DentistryIQ and leads a team-centered restorative and implant practice in East Amherst, New York. With 27 years of practice in the books, Dr. Rice is trained at the Pankey Institute, the Dawson Academy, Spear Education, and most prolifically at the school of hard knocks. Contact him at [email protected].