NOMAD handheld X-ray verified safe for user, study shows

June 9, 2009
Study conclusion contradicts common misperception that operator exposure would be higher with a handheld X-ray system.

OREM, Utah--An independent study presented at the 41st Annual Conference on Radiation Control concluded that the NOMAD handheld dental X-ray system produces low staff radiation exposure doses so that the vast majority of users received no measurable radiation dose.

This conclusion contradicts the common misperception that operator exposure would be higher with a handheld X-ray system.

The study also found that the image resolution and contrast of the NOMAD were superior to the wall-mounted system tested, and leakage and scattered radiation were lower.

In addition, the study reported that additional operator protection measures, such as the use of lead aprons or stands, are not warranted. According to the study, this is largely due to improved shielding techniques incorporated into the NOMAD.

The paper, entitled "Image Quality and Radiation Dose Comparison for Intraoral Radiography: Hand-held, Battery Powered versus Conventional X-ray Systems," was delivered as part of the annual meeting of the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors in Columbus, Ohio, in May.

Edgar Bailey, MSEHE, Joel Gray, PhD; and John Ludlow, DDD, authored the study.

The NOMAD Handheld X-ray System is manufactured in the U.S. by Aribex of Orem, Utah, and was invented by company CEO Dr. D. Clark Turner.

"This study verifies what we have known for some time, that our handheld X-ray device is at the cutting edge of X-ray technology in terms of quality and safety," said Dr. Turner. "Add to that the convenience of the lightweight handheld design, and we have a product that has changed the way X-rays are taken in a dental office, and has opened the way to take X-ray imaging to those who cannot come to a dental office."

The NOMAD is cordless and rechargeable, and requires no installation, so it can easily be taken from operatory to operatory in a dental office. The operator can stand right next to the patient while taking the X-ray without having to leave the room.

In addition, because it does not require direct connection to an AC outlet, it has been used for humanitarian work in some of the most remote areas of the world.

A copy of this independent study may be found at study.

For more information, visit Aribex.

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