The newest version of 100s of Pearls on Anesthesia & Pain Relief contains more than 500 pearls.
The pearls are in 97 categories on better blocks, new anesthetics, new pain meds, tips for hot teeth, poor access, sedation, psychology, lesions, and painful conditions, sensitivity and better answers for total comfort.
Generate referrals and avoid mistakes that dentists make daily. Other books in the same line include Fees & Case Acceptance (more than 600 pearls in 79 categories), Financing & Collections (more than 500 pearls in 76 categories), and Endodontics (600 pearls in 87 categories).
For more information and testimonials from dentistry leaders, visit Hundreds of Pearls, or call (800) 427-2830 for a free special report.
To read more about pearls in dentistry, go to pearls.
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