Academy of General Dentistry presents awards at annual meeting and exhibition
CHICAGO, Illlinois--The Academy of General Dentistry presented multiple awards to individuals and constituents July 16-20 during AGD's 56th Annual Meeting and Exhibits in Orlando, Fla.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to Ernest DeWald, DDS, MAGD, ABGD, of Clarksville, Tenn., the Distinguished Service Award honors a council or committee member who has served the AGD in an outstanding manner by dedicating extensive time and energy to ensure the continuity and integrity of the AGD, as well as developing new programs and services to meet the membership's changing needs.
Dr. DeWald has been an AGD member since 1974, and currently serves as a member of the Examinations Council and chair of the Exam Team B. He has been involved with the AGD's Testing Committee from 1991-96 and again from 2002 to the present.
Dr. DeWald served as treasurer, vice president and president of the American Board of General Dentistry. He was a delegate and alternate for both the Army and Tennessee AGD and currently serves as the public information officer for the TNAGD. He has also served as the AGD's representative for the chair-side exam of the Dental Assistant National Board for 2000-06.
Thaddeus V. Weclew Fellowship
Presented to Henry A. Gremillion, DDS, MAGD of Gainesville, Fla., the Weclew Fellowship is awarded to a dentist that has made exceptional contributions to the art and science of dentistry and for promoting the AGD's principles and ideals.
Dr. Gremillion has had a lifelong commitment to the art and science of dentistry. He currently serves as the Parker. E. Mahan Endowed Professor in Orofacial Pain at the University of Florida. In addition, he leads a fellowship program in orofacial pain at the Parker E. Mahan Facial Pain center where he is the director. He also serves as a consultant to the U.S. Armed Forces, the American Dental Association Council and the UFCD Comprehensive Dentistry Program. Dr. Gremillion has also been asked to lecture over 300 times and has co-authored more than 50 scientific articles related to dentistry.
Humanitarian Award
Presented to Otice Z. Helmer, of Fort Worth, Texas, the Humanitarian Award gives recognition to an individual who contributes voluntary service and consistent commitment to enhance the image of general dentistry through the delivery of quality care and leadership in areas of civic involvement.
Dr. Helmer's dedication to humankind and his love of dentistry have become evident throughout his life. He volunteered his service through mission work in the United States, Mexico and Israel. He is also a part of organizations, such as Texas Mission of Mercy, as well as Dentists Who Care, an organization that works to provide oral health care for low-income children in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Dr. Helmer has been a member of the AGD since 1972 and has served on the AGD's House of Delegates from 2000-2005. He was nominated for Texas "Dentist of the Year" in 1997, 2003 and 2005.
Life Long Learning and Service Recognition Awards
The LLSR recognition was created to honor the continued achievements of AGD Masters who recognize the professional obligation to remain current in their profession. Active members create an example that reminds each member of the dental profession to never lose sight of this obligation.
Recognitions were presented to:
Stephen Akseizer, DDS, MAGD, Ill., Leonard F. Anglis, DDS, MAGD, Ind., Stephen T. Bender, DDS, MAGD, Iowa, Charles E. Berner, DDS, MAGD, Ohio, Daniel A. Boston, DDS, MAGD, Utah, Eric K. Curtis, Ariz., Robert A. Finkel, DDS, MAGD, Ga., Dennis F. Flanagan, DDS, MAGD, ABGD, Conn., Lawrence M. Fujioka, DDS, MAGD, Hawaii, Gus E. Gates, DDS, MAGD, Texas, Paul G. Grumbach, DDS, MAGD, ABGD, Fla., John V. Gustafson, DMD, MAGD, Penn., G. DeWin Harris, DMD, MAGD, Ore., David M. Hart, DDS, MAGD, N.J., Kirk M. Hobock, DDS, MAGD, Calif., Bruce R. Hutchinson, DDS, MAGD, Va., Christopher H. Kleber, DDS, MAGD, Calif., Mark I. Malterud, DDS, MAGD, Minn., Robert H. Melton, DDS, MAGD, Okla., Kay-Tiong Oen, DDS, MAGD, N.Y., Chikka M. Raju, DMD, MAGD, ABGD, Calif., Ted M. Reese, DDS, MAGD, Ind., William J. Reiger, DDS, MAGD, Conn., K. David Stillwell, DDS, MAGD, Fla., Larry N. Williams, Jr., DDS, MAGD, ABGD, Ill.
Constituent of the Year Award
The Constituent of the Year Award recognizes constituents who display strengths in every area of constituent activity. These awards are presented to AGD constituents displaying an exceptional amount of member involvement, activity and dedication to furthering the mission of the AGD.
The award categories and winners are as follows:
Advocacy: Texas., William W. Howard ACE Award: Fla., Ontario, Ky., Army, CE William W. Howard ACE Award-Honorable Mention: Ga., Mass., Maine, Ark., Navy, CE Award of Excellence: Texas, La., Maine, Army, Navy, CE Award of Excellence Honorable Mention: Calif., Ontario, Neb., Membership: Texas, Minn., Ky., Army, Membership Award Honorable Mention: Md., Ontario, Neb., Navy, Public Information Award of Excellence: Md., Ala., Ky., Army, Public Information Award of Excellence-Honorable Mention: Va., Tenn., Ark., Navy., Constituent of the Year Award: Texas, Ala., Ontario, Ark., Army, Navy.
For more information about the AGD, visit Academy of General Dentistry.
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