Sponsored: Tokuyama Corporation contributes to society through innovation
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Tokuyama Corporation is excited to share its 100th birthday celebration with the dental community. Harnessing its chemistry expertise to support a century of service since its founding in 1918, the Tokuyama Group has overcome many obstacles on its quest to deliver products and services that truly benefit people’s lives.
From the production of soda ash in Japan to cement and diverse chemicals, Tokuyama makes the most of its technology and experience to serve a wide range of sectors, including electronics, lifestyle, health care, environment, and energy. The Tokuyama Group is embarking on its next 100 years in business and will continue to fulfill its mission, "Centered on the field of chemistry, the Tokuyama Group will continue to create value that enhances people’s lives." Guided by the Tokuyama Vision, the Group is determined to create new value that drives sustainable growth as a corporate group valued by society.
Contributing to society through innovation
Tokuyama has been developing its own technologies and products for a century, providing customers with materials that trigger business innovation while working to reduce environmental impact and helping maintain and improve people’s health. The Group leverages its unique technologies and original products to reduce environmental impact, improve lives, and contribute to society.
Taking the customer point of view into consideration, Tokuyama’s mission is to play a useful role in its customers’ businesses and contribute to the development of society by supplying soda ash, a primary industrial product that is indispensable to the development of Japanese industry. One of Tokuyama’s mainstay products, caustic soda, is an important raw material for many products that are indispensable in daily life. The process of caustic soda manufacturing yields chlorine as a coproduct and hydrogen as a byproduct. These play a supportive role in the industry as raw materials for chloride, polycrystalline silicon, and urethane, and further processing as a chlorinated substance and other derivatives.
Hydrogen has also received wide focus lately as a source of energy for a more sustainable society. Ensuring safety and reducing environmental impact are among the many responsibilities that a chemical manufacturer is expected to fulfill. Since Tokuyama’s founding, the company has actively sought to recycle waste. The Tokuyama factory is composed of three separate plants. The Tokuyama plant manufactures inorganic chemicals, the Higashi plant manufactures organic chemicals and polycrystalline silicon, and the Nanyo plant manufactures cement.
Together, these plants form a recycling-oriented manufacturing facility that relies on its technical prowess to achieve zero emissions in terms of both energy and materials. The most important key to this achievement is the Tokuyama factory’s in-house power generation equipment, which produces 550,000 kWh of electric power. Solving problems for customers and society through original technologies, and a unique ability to think and act from the customer’s point of view, constitute two of Tokuyama’s special strengths.
Moving forward, the Group intends to take full advantage of these strengths in the key sectors of ICT devices, health care, and environmental technologies. The Group will keep contributing to society, striving to remain essential to dental patients and dental professionals.