NEW YORK, New York--Reid Winickt returned from Madison, Wis., where dental leaders from across the country convened in October 2010 to hold the founding meeting for the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health.
"The formation of this organization could not have come at a better time," said Dr. Reid Winick. "More and more research just keeps pouring in that confirms all the connections between the health of the mouth and the resulting health of the body."
The newly inaugurated AAOSH will bring together medical professionals and will try to eliminate the tunnel vision that can exist between medical specialties. Members will commit themselves to working and learning together in the spirit of cooperation so that patients can enjoy the resulting benefits of improved general health, healing, longevity, and wellness.
"When dentists and physicians work together, medical outcomes will be improved and lives will be lengthened," stated AAOSH President Dr. Chris Kammer. "Many people still don't understand that good dental health can add years to your life, so one of our missions is to educate the public as well."
Several nationally known clinicians who attended the meeting gave presentations on the latest findings related to the seriousness of oral disease in America. One speaker revealed how a couple was not able to conceive a child until the mother's rampant gum infection was put under control.
Another speaker discussed how diabetes can make gum disease worsen, but that gum disease can also make diabetes worse.
In addition, advanced dental techniques and systems for treating periodontal disease and tooth decay were shared, as well as an extended program on the importance of nutrition.
The new organization has 50 founding members and anticipates rapid growth as more and more professionals absorb the data that demonstrates the relationship of mouth health to body health and vice versa.
"We're excited about finally working closely with cardiologists, diabetic specialists, obstetricians, and many more medical specialties," explained Dr. Reid Winick. "AAOSH is all about opening those doors of communication and offering to help, so that we can contribute to the improved health for the patients we share."
Dr. Reid Winick practices in New York.
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