Denbur Inc. supports NCOHF

Dec. 14, 2010
Denbur has donated Multi-Brush Disposable bristle applicators to benefit National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s Toothfairy oral health programs for at-risk children.

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina--Denbur has donated Multi-Brush Disposable bristle applicators valued at $51,559.14 to benefit National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s Toothfairy oral health programs for at-risk children.

To read more about the NCOHF, go to NCOHF.

Twenty-one NCOHF affiliate community-based nonprofit partners received donated Denbur products that will aid in providing critical care to children in need this holiday season.

Fari Maissami, president, Denbur, said, “We are thankful to NCOHF for having the imagination to initiate this organization. To help children in America who are in dire need of oral care is a great noteworthy cause. Denbur is pleased to support NCOHF.”

“We are very grateful to Denbur for their generous commitment to our mission. Millions of underserved children lack access to quality care and preventive education, suffering severe pain from untreated decay as a result,” said Fern Ingber, NCOHF president and CEO. “This product donation makes it possible for our Affiliates to reach more local children with the vital services they need and deserve.”

For more information about NCOHF, visit

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