CHICAGO, Illinois--New officers of the American Dental Assistants Association were installed at the 2011 annual conference of the ADAA held in Las Vegas, Nev., in conjunction with the American Dental Association.
The ADAA is America’s oldest and largest dental assisting organization, speaking for more than 250,000 dental assistants since 1924.
Heading the list of officers are:
President: Claudia Pohl, CDA, RDA, FADAA, BVEd, Alta Loma, Calif.
President-Elect: Carolyn Breen, CDA, Ed.D, RDA, RDH, Metuchen, N.J.
Vice President: Lori Paschal, CDA, FADAA, Irmo, S.C.
National Secretary: Bonnie Marshall, CDA, EFDA, EFODA, MADAA, AAS, Battle Ground, Wash.
Immediate Past President : Natalie Kaweckyj, CDA, LDARF, CDPMA, COA, COMSA, MADAA, BA, Minneapolis, Minn.
Is the future of dental assisting clear or cloudy?
During 2012, ADAA officers will preside over Dental Assistants Recognition Week in March and the annual national session conference in San Francisco, Calif., with the American Dental Association.
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