SOUTH BEND, Indiana--Flexitime Bite, a bite registration material from Heraeus, has received two new awards.To read more about Heraeus, go to Heraeus.The awards include the Editor’s Choice Award and the 2011 Top Bite Registration Award. The material was awarded 4.5 stars overall for its ease of use, scanning details, and fast set time. The full evaluation can be read at Bite is a scannable bite registration material based on vinylpolysiloxane. It is suited for universal bite registration, as well as for powder-free optical recording of antagonists for CAD/CAM technology. It is purple in color to allow for portrayal of the opposing dentition, and sets hard in 30 to 90 seconds. Each box of Flexitime Bite contains two, 50-ml cartridges, 12 mixing tips, and manufacturer’s instructions. "Flexitime Bite is the ideal material when taking centric jaw relation records, or verti-centric bites during the restorative process," summed up Dr. John Cranham. "The material flows over prepared teeth easily, does not run or slump and sets rigidly. It will add predictability to any restorative team's mounting process."The Editors' Choice award signifies a unique, significant and outstanding product. Each product and clinical evaluation article is reviewed and then Editors' Choice selections are made. In total, Flexitime Bite received a 92% rating overall. To receive a FREE trial cartridge of Flexitime Bite or for more information, call (877) 258-5937.For more information, call (800) 431-1785 or visit comment on this topic, go to