Miami-based company Sleep Group Solutions has announced a new pick in financial partnership.
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After six years of dealing with other banking institutions with higher interest rates, local restrictions, and no program incentives, company owners have selected Chase Bank for their businesses financial commitments.
Sleep Group Solutions is an airway diagnostic technology company that serves the needs of physicians and dentists interested in screening, diagnosing, and treating sleep apnea and other upper airway disorders.
Rani BenDavid and Tamir Cohen, owners of Sleep Group Solutions, made the decision to go with Chase Bank,. The bank offers financial accessibility to clients and doctors who treat patients with OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea).
“This decision will benefit clients in need of financial aid, as well as everyone we work with in all of our companies we acquire along the way,” said BenDavid, president of SGS.
Currently the two entrepreneurs have a group of five different companies, all now managed by one financial discipline.
Sleep Group Solutions will now be able to offer international financing opportunities to clients abroad. This, in turn, raises awareness of OSA on a global level.
“It definitely will help patients from around the world who don't have insurance or the money to pay out of pocket," said Tamir Cohen, SGS partner. "Due to the available programs we can now offer, financing is an obtainable option."
A growing company, raising awareness of sleep apnea has created a win-win for doctors and patients.
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