Editor's Note: "And the Winner Is ..."

Nov. 21, 2008
From sports in Chicago to the ADA meeting in Texas, from personal to professional accomplishments, we experience thanksgiving in all areas of our lives as we interact with our family and colleagues and anticipate a wonderful future together.

by Sheri B. Doniger, DDS, Editor

So, for all the Chicago Cubs faithful (and this editor), the mantra continues ... "Next year will be THE YEAR." It absolutely astounds me that a team which maintained first place for the entire season managed to lose the first three (and the only three important) games of the post-season to be eliminated from the playoffs. For the first time since 1908, both Chicago teams were in the playoffs. Both North side and South side were jubilant, until both of our teams lost. There has to be a profound message to be taken from the events that happened way back in early October. Unfortunately, aside from memorializing my thoughts in this note, I am at a loss to think of what that incredible message should be!

On a brighter note, Texas hosted a phenomenal ADA meeting. For all of you who were unable to attend, you truly missed a spectacular session with outstanding continuing education, technical exhibits, and networking. Dr. Risé Lyman, a dear friend and past president of the American Association of Women Dentists, was part of the committee to plan this event. Kudos to Risé and her talented team for organizing a brilliant and productive meeting.

At the meeting this year, I was honored to become a fellow in the International College of Dentists. Alongside my good friend, Dr. Paula Jones, the current (and first woman) president of the Academy of General Dentistry, we were happy to see a great number of women becoming fellows. The International College of Dentists "is recognized around the globe as the preeminent international dental organization. One of the objectives of the College is to advance the art and science of dentistry for the health and welfare of the public internationally." (Cited from: http://www.icd.org/home.htm. Accessed Oct. 26, 2008.) This organization recognizes service and the opportunity to serve. It is an honor to represent both women in dentistry and the great state of Illinois in this wonderful organization.

Beyond the great networking and excellent conversations with manufacturers about the state of women in dentistry, the high point of the ADA meeting for me came on Saturday evening, when I received a phone call from my son to inform me he had won an Emmy from the Chicago Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Ryan won for his tongue-in-cheek look behind the scenes at NBC5 Tower Studios in Chicago. He created the concept, sold the idea to the network, wrote, edited, and appeared in all of the segments. If you care to check them out, visit: http://www.nbcchicago.com/results/?keywords=tales from the tower. This Emmy was his first win and he did thank his parents in his acceptance speech. It was truly a great meeting.

We have received several entries from dentists in our readership who would like to be featured on the cover of Woman Dentist eJournal™ in 2009. We are now sorting through all of the great nomination forms to determine our three winners. With such a phenomenal response, we will consider this an annual event.

Finally, I wish to offer a heartfelt thanks to our readership. We appreciate your support and are thankful for your contributions. We are entering into the second year of our exclusive Woman Dentist eJournal™ and look to the future with great anticipation of more wonderful things to come. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any comments, compliments, criticisms, or ideas for content. My e-mail address is [email protected]. I look forward to our future together. From our family to yours, a very happy Thanksgiving season. May your lives be blessed with peace, happiness, and health.


"For all that has been, thanks. For all that will be, yes." — Dag Hammarskjold (1905-1961)