This article originally appeared in the Principles of Practice Management e-newsletter. Subscribe to this informative twice monthly practice management ENL here.
In this video series titled DE's Business Lab, Dr. Chris Salierno strives to help his fellow dentists keep their overhead expenses in check. He offers applicable suggestions for taking the first steps toward improving your practice's profits.
The final installment, Part 6, tackles accounts receivables (AR) and how to improve on what you collect. Dr. Salierno says that one of the ways might be to bill your patients in a different way. Also, his office has an accounts receivable system that is written down so that all team members can access it, which helps his AR.
He shows an example of a bill with his practice management software and points out what he likes and dislikes about the bill. Then he shows an example of a bill that he believes does a better job of getting patients’ attention and encouraging them to pay on time.
Like many other systems, his involves a series of letters and phone calls over a certain period of time in order to collect payment due. He’s found that it’s rare for his system to carry through to the end, when a bill may go to a collection agency.
Watch the video below to lern what else Dr. Salierno has found works when it comes to accounts receivables.
Let’s talk overhead in your dental practice: Part 1
How to calculate overhead: Part 2
Are you earning what you could be? Part 3
Profitability strategies: Part 4
Controlling supply expenses: Part 5
Check out all of Dental Economic's videos on YouTube.