Ask the Expert: minimizing cone cuts — Christopher A. Warren from Carestream Health
Aug. 23, 2010
Ask the ExpertChristopher A. WarrenTechnical Support EngineerImaging Consultant
Carestream Health, Inc.Exclusive manufacturer of KODAK Dental Systems
We are excited to introduce a brand new column to our newsletter — Ask the Expert by Chris Warren,Technical Support Engineer and Imaging Consultant for Carestream Health, the exclusive manufacturer ofKODAK Dental Systems, including KODAK dental film. With over 36 years of experience in the medical anddental imaging field, Chris offers dentists all over the world a unique opportunity, by leveraging his extensiveknowledge to help solve their film-related issues. Chris is an authority at examining radiographs for defectsand explaining how to improve them.In this recurring article, Chris will include helpful “tips and tricks” to get the best quality images from yourKODAK dental film. And, he will also provide a way for you to help identify the cause of poor quality images fora chance to win a $25 gift card in our special “Diagnose the X-Ray” section. Winners and answers to theprevious edition’s “Identify the Issue” will be posted in the subsequent edition. You’ll also have an opportunityto “Ask the Expert” questions directly to Chris and other imaging experts through a handy online link.Tips and TricksMinimizing cone cutsDental X-ray beams are collimated or restricted to a diameter of 7 cm/2.75 inches at the end of the cone oreven less when a rectangular collimator is used. When the exit pattern of the beam is not aligned with the film,part of the film will not be exposed to radiation and will appear clear. This is known as a cone cut. Proper useof position indicating devices (PIDs) will help to prevent these cone cuts, which can occur with either round orrectangular cones.
Click here to see figures larger.Diagnose the X-RayHere is our first of a series of images for you to help identify the problem. Please respond to be included in thedrawing for a $25 gift card.What did the operator do wrong to achieve this image? E-mail [email protected] to answer.
Be sure to look for the cause of the problem and Chris’s recommendation in our next issue!Contact usHave a question or concern about your KODAK dental film? If so, contact Chris at us-hgdental@ for an authorized dealer? Click hereNeed more information about KODAK dental film, call 800.933.8031 or visit© Carestream Health, Inc.The KODAK trademark and trade dress are used under license from Kodak. for an authorized dealer? Click hereNeed more information about KODAK dental film, call 800.933.8031 or visit© Carestream Health, Inc.The KODAK trademark and trade dress are used under license from Kodak.