Thanks for a wonderful year!

Sept. 24, 2009
ADAA President Stephen Spadaro thanks readers for a wonderful year during his presidency of the association. He summarizes the goals accomplished and future vision of the ADAA, particularly regarding the eMembership proposal.

When I became president of the ADAA last year, I had many goals. But the primary goal that I talked and dreamed about was that of building membership. Not just in small, periodic increments, but in large, remarkable numbers to impact the future and destiny not only of our association but also of the dental assisting profession.

The ADAA Vision Committee came up with the answer of how to build membership impressively and rapidly, and that is eMembership. It is a concept that I have grasped and appreciated and spoken about as I traveled the nation visiting our many state components.

I feel that eMembership will bring ADAA the numbers and recognition we need to become and remain a growing force in the dental world, and I hope that you join me in making that world a reality. In a few days our House of Delegates, the governing body of the ADAA, will consider the eMembership proposal that will grant free, special ADAA membership to any professional dentist assistant. I hope to be able to include everyone in our wonderful organization. Please watch this column as our new president, Angela Swatts, brings you up to date on this special development.

Looking back on the year, I’m happy to note that we have produced many new and updated educational courses, and introduced a vastly improved Web site, a new logo, a redesigned journal, newly inaugurated newsletters for dental business managers, and the 24/7 weekly e-newsletter. I’m proud to have seen these developments “on my watch,” and I hope now to leave as my legacy the birth of a new era of membership growth for ADAA with eMembership.

I couldn’t have done this without the support of a dedicated Board of Trustees, staff, and devoted volunteers from one end of the nation to the other. As I traveled the United States and visited with many of you, I always appreciated your enthusiasm for the work that was necessary to keep our association alive, and for your unwavering belief in the profession you have chosen.

Again, thank you for a wonderful year. May God bless you and continue to bless the American Dental Assistants Association.

Stephen E. Spadaro, President
American Dental Assistants Association