ELMSFORD, New York--Dent-X has released version 6.10 of its EVA ProImage Software.
Some of the additional functionality added with the upgrade to EVA ProImage Software 6.20 includes:
* New, more visible screen X-ray position markers
* User selectable function to automatically assign sequential patient ID numbers
* Annotations can be saved in color on radiographs
* Gamma button strength now user selectable and the default strength increased
* Main image processing window is now resizable and moveable
Additionally, EVA ProImage 6.10 includes additional upgrades specifically for users of ProIntegrate, the Dent-X integration package for Imaging and Practice Management software. Dent-X rates this update as 'Optional' for existing users on a scale of Critical, Moderate, and Optional. Existing users are encouraged to apply this update at a time convenient to their business and practice.
For more information,www.dent-x.com or call toll-free (800) 225-1702.