Baylor Health Care System signs contract for SpectraSoft's AppointmentsES

Jan. 17, 2003
Patient scheduling and access management solution to be implemented across the Baylor Senior Health Network

SpectraSoft Inc. has announced that the Baylor Health Care System has signed a contract to purchase its enterprise scheduling system, AppointmentsES. The contract calls for SpectraSoft to install AppointmentsES throughout the Baylor Senior Health Network and allows for the addition of other departments over time.

The Senior Health Network at Baylor has been using SpectraSoft patient scheduling products since 1998. The implementation of AppointmentsES will allow for centralized and onsite appointment management for each of the nine senior health centers. James McPhail, Vice President Baylor Information Services said, "Our investment in AppointmentsES is an important component in enabling the Senior Health Network to continue delivering excellent customer service for years to come. We are looking forward to the expanded capabilities and increased efficiency that AppointmentsES offers."

"We are pleased that the Baylor Health Care System selected AppointmentsES to manage their patient scheduling needs," said Steve Petrie, President of SpectraSoft. "Our relationship with the Senior Health Network was instrumental in the development of the product. Their input helped us develop a solution which truly meets the needs of large health care organizations."

In addition to the software license, the agreement includes terms for implementation, end-user training, technical support, and ongoing product upgrades. Implementation is set to begin in early 2003.