Dental office manager in Tulsa honored as one of six Patterson Dental scholarship winners
By Kevin Henry, Editor
Mella Glenn of Endodontic Specialists of Tulsa (Okla.) was recently honored as one of six winners of a scholarship that would send her to Las Vegas for the annual gathering of the American Association of Dental Office Managers (AADOM), which concluded this past weekend. The scholarship was supported by Patterson Dental.
“She oversees every aspect of the largest and most efficient endo practice in the city, including marketing, managing staff, supply management, billings, etc.,” Grant Moxley of Tulsa’s Patterson branch said about Glenn. “She has taken it upon herself to continually take career courses to further her own education, and is heavily involved in helping community charities.”
Earlier in October, I talked to Glenn about her scholarship and what makes her an exceptional dental office manager. You can watch my interview by clicking here.