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Taking the next step in your career

June 17, 2014
You can work toward DANB certification

Are you interested in taking the next step in your career? Consider working toward the Dental Assisting National Board, Inc.’s (DANB’s) newest certification: Certified Restorative Functions Dental Assistant (CRFDA).

DANB’s CRFDA certification program was introduced in 2013 and so far, certificants in more than 30 different states have earned the credential.

DANB certificants cite many reasons for earning CRFDA certification — such as demonstrating commitment to their field, setting an example to others and maintaining a professional advantage.

Study plans and tips
There are many ways to develop a study plan for DANB exams, and each person takes a unique approach. However, many DANB certificants who have earned CRFDA certification recommend some tried-and-true strategies, such as reviewing exam blueprints, studying textbooks and creating flashcards.

The DALE Foundation’s DANB AMP Practice Test is another tool to supplement any CRFDA study plan. The DANB AMP Practice Test helps learners prepare for DANB’s Anatomy, Morphology and Physiology (AMP) exam, one of the six component exams that make up DANB’s CRFDA certification program.

The practice test consists of 200 questions* based on DANB’s AMP exam blueprint, which can be reviewed on any computer, tablet or mobile phone. This study aid is a great way to become familiar with content that might be on the exam and improve test-taking skills.

“We’re excited to introduce another study aid to help applicants prepare for DANB exams,” says Cindy Durley, M.Ed., MBA, Executive Director of DANB and the DALE Foundation.

To learn more about the DANB AMP Practice Test, visit www.dalefoundation.org.

*Questions do not come from actual DANB exams.