Dr. Elliott talks getting started with sleep medicine, and her love of . . . rap!
The Dental Academy of CE (DACE) editorial board members are on the job to make sure DACE standards remain high with current and interesting course offerings.
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Get to know one of the board members, Dr. Erin Elliott, who not only excels in her profession, she also raps! And yes, she gives a quick demonstration during her chat with Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz.
Why is Dr. Elliott inspired to help educate her peers? This desire came from her discovery and love of sleep medicine, and how dentists can be a part of it. Her practice has developed a strong patient base in this specialty. When some of her peers found out about her sleep medicine focus, they asked her about this new area. This led to Dr. Elliott developing continuing education courses and lecturing in sleep medicine.
“Seeing the wonderful results of sleep treatment makes the learning curve worth it,” Dr. Elliott said.
Watch her conversation with Dr. Pam and get to know Dr. Elliott, DACE advisory board member.
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