July 31, 2009
REFLEXIONS is a biomimetic, esthetic composite system.

SCHAUMBURG, Illinois--BISCO Dental Products has introduced REFLEXIONS, a simplified, universal nanotechnology composite system.

The system consists of four highly chromatic Low-Shrinking XLS Dentin and four translucent Highly Polishable XP Enamel shades. REFLEXIONS composites allow the practitioner to replicate the full spectrum of color by utilizing a shade system that simplifies the technique to match the most common VITA shades.

REFLEXIONS composites are indicated for use in classes of anterior and posterior direct restorations. Its simplicity is indicated for daily dentistry.

The REFLEXIONS system of composites includes XLS Dentin shades, which are light-cured, low-shrinking nanohybrid composites. This nanohybrid formulation is a biomimetic dentin replacement material that offers opaque chromatic characteristics of natural teeth.

The low-shrink properties minimize shrinkage stress and postoperative sensitivity. Reflexions XP Enamel composites are highly reinforced nanofil composites. The nano-sized filler particles contribute to the XP Enamel's polishability and translucency, while the reinforcing filler allows for strength and durability.

REFLEXIONS composites come packaged in syringe and/or unit-dose system kits consisting of four XLS Dentin shades, four XP Enamel shades and more. In addition, individual syringes and packages of unit-dose tips are available.

For more information, call (800) 247-3368 or visit BISCO.

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