Dental work can be expensive, but its effects can be permanent with the right care.Experts say that maintaining oral health by making the right investments not only contributes to the preservation of the work, but helps avoid costly procedures and repairs later.The recent rise in cosmetic dentistry has given rise to the demand for oral care products that will protect it. Dentisse, a new line of toothpaste and oral rinse using natural ingredients, is designed to offer an option for preserving expensive dental work so it can look better for longer.New toothpaste is kaolin-basedThrough a gentle, proprietary combination of essential oils and natural ingredients, Dentisse products are safe, effective cleaning and polishing agents. The main ingredient, kaolin, is a natural white clay that is purified and refined, helping fill the void in oral care products that preserve smiles.Unlike most other toothpastes, which are made with particles of silica and other abrasives that use sharp edges to scrape the tooth’s surface to remove stains, Dentisse’s plate-like particles glide across teeth as it cleans.Dentisse Natural Reflection toothpaste retails for $16.99 and DentisseNatural Solution oral rinse retails for $14.99 at comment on these products, go to