For dental practices that seek to improve office efficiency, TrollDentalSoft provides a real-time, two–way add on to a dental practice's practice management software system.
Designed to provide interactive communication via e-mail, a Web site, or cell phone text messaging between the dentist and patient, TrollDentalSoft addresses the scheduling issues and communication issues faced by existing dental practice software "solutions."
Patients may elect to receive information by--and communicate back to the dentist with--online access, e-mail and cell phone text messaging 24/7/365.
TrollDentalSoft is a easy-to-use patient-centric application that sits on a dentist's office computer and monitors their scheduling and patient database.
When the office adds or changes patient or appointment information, TrollDentalSoft will communicate that information to an online database and to the patient who may immediately reply with any number of responses. These responses are sent back to the practice interactively and assist the staff via office automation.
For more information, contact or call (651) 436-7457 for more details.