Plackers introduces disposable, ready-to-use dental night protector

Oct. 10, 2009
Protector combats bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding.

Experts say economy increases stress and teeth grinding - company offers
free trial as solution

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan--Plackers, makers of a disposable dental flosser, has expanded its line of home dental care products with the Grind-No-More Night Protector.

Disposable, ready-to-use night protector combats bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding.

An estimated 60 million adults currently grind their teeth. Dental expert Dr. Nancy Rosen said on a recent "Good Morning America" appearance that bruxism cases are significantly increasing due to stress and anxiety from the down economy.

Teeth grinding and clenching can create up to 250 pounds of pressure on teeth, resulting in irreversible damage. This includes worn enamel and loss of tooth shape.

Night protectors like Grind-No-More are a way to help treat bruxism and protect teeth. While guards from a dentist office can cost hundreds of dollars and require continuous cleaning, Grind-No-More offers a hygienic, disposable alternative that comes ready-to-use without boiling, molding or cleaning. Each protector can be used for up to three nights.

Plackers is offering free samples of the Grind-No-More Night Protector via the company's Web site at Plackers.

"Plackers is all about providing convenient, simple ways for people to improve their dental hygiene," said Christine Henisee, chief executive officer of Ranir, LLC, makers of oral-care products.

"The Grind-No-More Night Protector is an easy solution for people who grind their teeth and want the hygienic benefits of a disposable product."

Sold in packages of 14 individually wrapped, travel-friendly guards, Grind-No-More Night Protectors retail for approximately $24.99. They are available in select major retail chains or can be purchased online.

For more information, visit Plackers.

To read more about Plackers, go to Plackers.

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