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Sky Factory sponsors Texas Tech brain mapping research

May 9, 2012
Product recently featured in New Product Alert! enewsletter
Fairfield, IA — The Sky Factory, a fine art and technology company that creates biophilic Illusions of Nature™, is sponsoring research at Texas Tech University's Neuroimaging Institute to study neural activity associated with viewing the company's realistic sky images. The two-part research project will also study the effects of Sky Factory's virtual skylights on hospital patients. Dr. Debajyoti Pati, Dr. Michael O'Boyle, and Dr. Cherif Amor will conduct the study.The initial fMRI study will generate brain maps of the neural pathways and regions associated with subjects' perception of Sky Factory Luminous SkyCeilings' unique imagery, and compare those results with the mapped responses of the subjects' viewing imagery established as being "positive," "negative," or "neutral."The second part of the study will gather data on hospital patients — one group staying in rooms with Sky Factory Luminous SkyCeilings installed over the beds, and a second group staying in rooms without the SkyCeilings. Data will be collected over a year on all of the patients in the associated rooms, and analyzed at the end of the study to see what effects the SkyCeilings had on the patients exposed to them.Evidence-based design research indicates that illusions of nature support healing, reduce stress and anxiety, and reduce the use of pain medications in healthcare settings. Through this research initiative with Texas Tech, The Sky Factory is attempting to better understand and document how biophilic illusions of nature function in health care and other environments.To read more, go to

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