SOUTH BEND, Indiana--Heraeus Kulzer, a leader in advancing dental esthetics and overall dental well being, has announced today that as a member of the Venus brand of low stress composites, Venus Bulk Fill will be available in syringes in March 2011. To read more about Heraeus, go to Heraeus.The syringe delivery of Venus Bulk Fill will provide dentists with an easier, faster restorative solution that is more cost effective per restoration than the traditional incremental layering technique.Venus Bulk Fill is used for bulk filling Class I and II restorations in 4-mm increments. In an advanced review, REALITY RESEARCH LAB stated that Venus Bulk Fill achieved an 85.3% cure goal at the bottom of proximal box (5.2% better than a competitive bulk fill composite) and had lower shrinkage stress than that of conventional flowables. “The self-adapting handling properties of Venus Bulk Fill provide the ideal flowability into all cavo-surfaces eliminating the chance for voids that can occur with traditional composites and flowables especially at the most critical area when dealing with Class II type restorations—the gingival box,” said Andrew Shannon, DDS.Venus Bulk Fill syringe will be available through distributors starting in March 2011. The inherent value of this system is that it was designed with the dentist in mind.
“Venus Bulk Fill combines the benefits of time savings and ease of use, but most importantly empowers dentists to provide their patients with a low stress restoration that produces the ultimate in clinical success--a highly esthetic, long-lasting restoration,” added Jennifer Kalinowski, senior product manager for Heraeus.
For more information on Venus Bulk Fill Syringe, visit or call (800) 431-1785.
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