The patient didn’t premedicate, but you performed a dental procedure. Now what?
What happens if a patient forgets to premedicate, you forget to ask about it, and then you start the appointment?
Mistakes happen, but it’s important to have a protocol for dealing with these types of situations when they occur.
The guidelines for infective endocarditis prophylaxis say that if a patient forgets their dose prior to the appointment, they can take it two hours after the appointment. But will the patient remember to take their medication? What if the patient doesn’t have the amoxicillin on hand? Can they get it within that time frame?
When does the clock start? Right when the procedure begins or after the entire appointment?
Join us in this episode of Medical History Mysteries as we discuss best practices and takeaways for dealing with missed patient premedication.
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Editor’s note: This article first appeared in Clinical Insights newsletter, a publication of the Endeavor Business Media Dental Group. Read more articles and subscribe.