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Dental patients should avoid DIY braces.

They’re baaack: DIY braces trending again

Sept. 9, 2024
One of the latest social media trends is seeing a second life: DIY braces. Some of your patients may have jumped on the bandwagon, usually leading to dangerous consequences.
Meg Kaiser, Associate Editor

There’s always been a certain amount of “fighting” in dentistry: from getting patients to understand why treatment is crucial, to convincing them to follow a home care routine, to helping them relax in your chair.

But 20 years ago, who would have guessed that the numerous social media trends (TikTok, we’re looking at you) would have dental professionals fighting new battles—against the latest and often dangerous new dental trend.

From hard gum, to mewing, to tooth tattoos and tooth gems, patients are entering dental offices with new challenges for their dental pros to learn about and explain—yet again—why this new trend might be dangerous.

Who’s seen a patient with DIY braces recently? Yes, they’ve been around for a while, and you may have even thought the trend had run its course. But there’s a new surge in DIY braces because, like so many other trends, they’re being promoted on TikTok as very in style.

No doubt your DIY patients have informed you that they’re proud of their new and colorful look, and they’re happy to save thousands of dollars while they’re at it. And besides all that, they want you to confirm that their teeth are getting straighter, right?

[Insert big sigh here.] Time to get back on TikTok and brush up on the DIY braces promotions so you can talk with your patients who have applied them. You can start with the same mantra—while patients think it will save them money and they look great, DIY braces may cost them much more in the future when they have to repair the damage that’s been done in their mouth.

Sound familiar? Is anyone listening?

What are DIY braces?

Videos showing how to buy and apply the braces at home with glue or as slip-ons are all over the internet, including this 57-second video from Aubrelius. Fortunately, visiting TikTok and searching for DIY braces reveals there’s a decent balance between those promoting the braces and dental pros explaining why they’re a bad idea. (Thank you, nextdoorrdh.)

According to a report on Today recently, “Braces are no longer dreaded, but are now glorified as a trendy fashion look.”

Dr. Samuel Lee of Sons and Daughters Orthodontics in Irvine, California, spoke to Today, and warned patients that the damage they do to their teeth by applying DIY braces could be permanent. The glue or other adhesive that some use could permanently damage the enamel. Applying these can worsen someone’s bite and teeth alignment, cause uncontrolled teeth movement, or lead to poisoning, choking, or oral cuts and infections. Worst-case scenario? Someone could lose their teeth altogether.

This is nothing dental pros don’t already know. Just consider this another warning that the social media trends are nonstop, they’re probably here to stay, and there may be something new lurking just around the corner. Do your best to stay up-to-date and keep your patients from doing something stupid. We know you try every single day!

About the Author

Meg Kaiser | Associate Editor

Meg Kaiser is an associate editor in Endeavor Business Media’s Dental Division. She works on, RDH eVillage and RDH Graduate newsletters, Dental Economics magazine, and RDH magazine, and has for nearly 20 years. She knew she'd caught the dental bug when she began preaching oral-systemic health to everyone she met. Contact her at [email protected].