Content Dam Diq Online Articles 2012 June Stealth Screw Es

Stealth Slender Expansor Screw Series

June 21, 2012
Series by LeoneAmerica

LeoneAmerica introduces the Stealth™ Slender Expansor Screw Series, the smallest mono-arm rpe in the market.

Internally attached strong arms resist stress point breakage, and are extra long to easily form appliances without soldered extensions. Two sizes make this ideal for smaller palates, where application size and versatility are top priorities.

The Steath Slender Expansor Screw is a superior product with these many advanced features:

* Very compact and strong mechanism, body bulk is minimized
* No external weld marks, will not be a plaque collector
* Arms are internally attached to resist stress point breakage
* Internal mechanism absolutely reliable for stability and precision
* Available in two sizes, one size does not fit all
* Extra long arms to easily form appliances without soldered extensions
* Packaged with the new Leone Swivel Smart Key
* Superior Leone materials and workmanship

To order and for more information, contact LeoneAmerica, a division of American Tooth Industries, at 800-242-9986, or visit