Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s when you’ve had everything to do and you’ve done it!” - Margaret Thatcher
All of us have had moments in time that made a difference or impact in our lives for the immediate, short-term, or perhaps even life-changing long term. These grains of sand in the hourglass are critical for growth, challenge, and happiness. Looking back over the event, recognizing and honoring its importance and impact, is when someone has full appreciation of the personal influence that is actually capable of such an experience.
Attending the Chicago Midwinter meeting was for me one of those “moments.” On Friday, Dentsply sponsored the first-ever “Women’s Forum” by gathering 20 of the top female clinicians and learning more about how we practice and the specifics of what makes our practices better. The room was filled with energy, passion, and quite a sisterhood. No more were we an island, but a continent! Speaking not only for myself, but others, none of us wanted the day to end. This was a recognized opportunity by all of those in attendance of something special, something exceptional!
Another great time was when I attended the “Empress Cover Model Mania” Reception. Ivoclar went nationwide to have dentists create such a model from one of their patients. Think of the changes in smiles that were gifted. Another twist was that the ceramists also shared the spotlight with the patient and dentist. How brilliant was that? Kudos go out to the marketing superstars, Grace and Sarah, for a fantastic concept that became reality!
Woman Dentist Journal’s focus this month brings pertinent information about implants, bone replacement consideration, and pain medication options. These topics are all relevant for our practices, yet they need to be constantly updated and acknowledged. Women dentists have a unique ability to step forward and create their own “standard of care” regimen.
This month also follows more progress made by Dr. Kristy Vetter in our Xtreme Practice Makeover. This second article in the series maps a stringent practice plan that is contoured for her practice and team. As you read her goals and mission statement, the awareness of a “big” job ahead has now become reality.
In an effort to keep our audience at the forefront of product information, a new column, “Limelight,” will be introduced this month. Readers will learn about practical, timely products that have been recently introduced. With a little twist, one product will be revealed as “female friendly” - essentially mentioning how or why this product really excels in a woman’s practice. And readers will get to learn more from “Idle Thoughts,” another new column with closing thoughts from which we can all gain insight and reflect on each day.
Here’s to those significant moments!
Lori Trost, DMD
Dr. Trost is the managing editor of Woman Dentist Journal. She can be contacted by email at [email protected].
We welcome letters to the editor. Please email your letters to Dr. Trost. Include your name and the city and state where you practice.