SYOSSET, New York—Buffalo Dental Manufacturing has announced the release of Buff Tuff Mouthguard Laminate.The laminate contains no bisphenol A or dioxin, and is cross-grained for extra strength and consistency. The product has a pleasant smell and does not produce offensive smoke or vapors when heated, so mouthguards can be fabricated in any office area, at any time of the day, in less than 30 minutes. Buff Tuff can also be used to create nightguards and splints.Historically, dental offices have fabricated guards and splints at the end of the day, often in an out-of-the-way room or storage area, to avoid filling the office with unpleasant, potentially toxic fumes. With Buff Tuff, dentists can offer patients “while you wait” service and create mouthguards and emergency appliances in a single visit. The patented cross-grained Buff Tuff laminate provides a uniform thickness throughout the formed model, even with an uneven surface (high eye teeth or very deep undercuts). With Buff Tuff, there is no need to line up an insert (as with other materials). If the model is centered, the fabricator should get a workable appliance. Cross-grained laminate also creates stronger guards that last longer, provide uniform fit throughout the appliance, and offer protection. Injection molded mouthguards cannot be cross-grained.Buff Tuff does not contain BPA, a chemical that has been linked to health risks, or polyvinyl chloride. It is also dioxin-free.Buff Tuff is available in 5 1/8-inch x 5 1/8-inch sheets, which provide a fit in a vacuum-forming machine. As it heats, the material becomes clear, indicating it is time to proceed. As it begins to cool, the appliance can easily be removed from the model to begin the trimming process. Buff Tuff is packaged in boxes of 10 or 100 sheets, and is available from most dental dealers.For more information, contact a local dental dealer or go to read more about Buffalo Dental, go to Buffalo Dental.To comment on this product, go to