Humans Grow Beaks

Scientist says human teeth 'no longer fit for purpose'

July 3, 2013
Humans may grow beaks like puffer fish.
Human teeth are 'no longer fit for purpose' and we could eventually grow a beak one day, scientists have claimed. British researchers are exploring several ways in which humans could develop better teeth, or even a beak like a pufferfish to avoid having to visit the dentist.

Scientists from the University of Sheffield have said that having a limited supply of teeth is impractical as we live longer than ever before. They have isolated the cells responsible for enabling fish to create an endless supply of teeth throughout their life. Scientists have been examining the jaws of pufferfish, which over millions of years have evolved special beaks to crack open crab shells and munch on crunchy food. One theory that is being investigated suggests that humans will eventually evolve beyond teeth and grow our own beaks.CONSIDER READING: What?! A fish with human teeth? The researchers are also looking at whether humans will be able to grow an endless supply of teeth. The effect in fish is best seen in the 'conveyor-belt' bite of sharks. Scientists believe that putative stem cells, nick-named 'tooth fairy cells,' will help to unlock the way that fish replicate their teeth and will eventually allow humans to grow our own teeth too. Read the entire article on